HKI Core
Namespaces | Classes
HKI.Core.UI Namespace Reference


namespace  Settings


class  TMProAndUGUITextAccessor
 This class allows the use of the standard Unity UI Text component and the TextMeshPro component without the change of the code. More...
class  UILocalizeText
 This MonoBehaviour localize a Unity UIText or a TextMeshPro text component. It also updates the text if a new language is selected. More...
class  UIPercentageValueText
 This MonoBehaviour set the text of an Unity UIText or a TextMeshPro text component to the value of a Float (HKIVar) as a percentage value. It also updates the text if the value of the Float changes. More...
class  UIScreen
 This ScriptableObject holds all the information that is required by the UIScreenManager to display a screen (window). A screen can be open with a simple Open call of this UIScreen and closed with a call of the function Close. More...
class  UIScreenManager
 The UIScreenManager is a simple window manager. More...
class  UISlidesController
 This MonoBehaviour is for showing one slide after another. One example would be a tabs window where slides are tabs. More...
class  UIToggleGroup
 This is a custom implementation of a toggle group. More...
class  UITooltip
 Attached to a GameObject with a RectTransform this MonoBehaviour will display a tooltip if the mouse enters the RectTransform. More...
class  UITooltipController
 This MonoBehaviour is responseble for the displaying of a tooltip. It needs a window GameObject and a text component on a GameObject. It will apply offsets for the displaying orientation from the pointer. More...
class  UIValueText
 This MonoBehaviour set the text of an Unity UIText or a TextMeshPro text component to the value of a HKIVar. It also updates the text if the value of the HKIVar changes. More...
class  UIVarSlider
 This MonoBehaviour enables to use Unity UISlider with an IntegerMinMax or a FloatMinMax HKIVar value. It also can use an Unity UIText or a TextMeshPro text component to display the current value. More...
class  UIVarToggle
 This MonoBehaviour enables to use Unity UIToggle with a Boolean HKIVar value. It also can use an Unity UIText or a TextMeshPro text component to display a true and a false text localization. More...